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The Story

Annie’s Art Attic started with the vision of Don & Annie Fuller.  Annie's Art Attic received the 501(c)3 status August 1, 2015.  The Board of Directors (of which there are currently 9) meets every month on the fourth Wednesday.  "Annie's Art Attic" is run by dedicated volunteers.

Our original story started in a 400 square foot room soon increasing to 800 square feet.  Quickly an opportunity arose, and “Annie's Art Attic” was moved to a new building, 4,400 square feet.  By the generosity of the community "Annie's Art Attic" filled up with beautiful clothing, collectibles, art, and so much more.  With the sales of these items, "Annie's Art Attic" is able to support the local charities who in turn support the community. Every month, "Annie's Art Attic" chooses a local charity to support. Through fundraisers at "Annie's Art Attic" not only is money raised but so is awareness.

Another way "Annie's Art Attic" gives to the community is through arts and crafts classes.  The first classes were offered to special needs adults.  Once a week they come to "Annie's Art Attic" with their caregivers and enjoy the camaraderie of others and enhance their senses through paint, yarn, beads, glue and so much more.


"Annie's Art Attic" is expanding classes to all of the community.  Classes in sewing, quilting, painting, jewelry making, stained glass, crocheting, knitting, pottery and more.    


Annies Art Attic       2575 Northern Ave, Kingman, Arizona

928-565-1321       Email:


Open:  Tuesday through Saturday,  9 am to 5 pm

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